Sol2010 | Welcome to SOL 2010 | The James Hutton Institute

7th Solanaceae conference
Dundee, Scotland, 5-9 September 2010

SCRI and UK-SOL were delighted to host SOL2010 from 5-9 September in Dundee, Scotland. The city of Dundee is set in a picturesque location on the north shore of the River Tay, the largest and most famous river in Scotland. Dundee has a population of 140,000, and is the fourth largest city in Scotland.

Photograph of the Apex Hotel and Frigate Unicorn at nightSOL2010 was jointly hosted and organised by SCRI and UK-SOL, and the conference venue was the Apex Hotel, located in the heart of Dundee’s regenerated waterfront district.

The conference dinner was held on Wednesday 8 September at Guthrie Castle – a uniquely Scottish venue, where delegates enjoyed a warm Scottish welcome and hospitality.

speakers and programme

The programme for SOL2010 can be found below.



Abstracts from oral and poster presentations are below.



See photographs from the conference on the SOL2010 Flickr page.